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Airborne Pollutant & Radiation Mapping

Airborne Pollutant and Radiation Mapping

Rapid airborne pollutant and radiation mapping of your site using professional drones and sensors

How do we collect data?

Data is acquired using a variety of specialist payloads, including the Soarability SNiffer-4D and the Medusa Gamma sensor, to detect a vairety of pollutants and radionuclides.

Data is acquired on a pre-programmed flight plan, that collects data along a systematic flight grid at a constant flight speed. Terrain following is used via an onboard radar altimeter, to ensure a constant height is maintained.

Data can be acquired along a series of flight grids at various altitudes, effectively allowing for collection of a 3D cube of data to understand spatial variations in three dimensions.


What data can be collected?

Geo-4D’s airborne pollutant and radiation mapping survey techniques use unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), equipped with specialised sensors cable of detecting various pollutants and radionuclides, including:  

  • Particulates - PM2.5, PM10, and PM100 (nephelometer)

  • O3, NO2, CO, So2, HCl, H2S, H2, NH3 (electrochemical)

  • Volatile organic compounds (photo ionising detector)

  • Gaseous hydrocarbons (non-dispersive infrared)

  • Radionuclides (e.g. Cs-137, K-40, Th-232, U-238)

  • Safety: UAVs can access remote or hazardous areas that may be difficult or unsafe for ground-based monitoring teams to reach.

  • Efficiency:  Drones can cover large areas quickly and efficiently, allowing for more comprehensive and rapid data collection.

  • Accuracy, the drone embeds its RTK GNSS location into the LiDAR and image data.

  • Flexibility: Drones can be deployed rapidly and easily repositioned as needed, providing flexibility in survey planning and execution.

What are the benefits?


Geo-4D Airborne Pollutant and Radiation Mapping

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