Drone LiDAR & Photogrammetry Survey
Photogrammetry and LiDAR UAV Topography Survey
Rapid, resolute and accurate topographical surveys using cutting-edge drone aerial mapping technology, supplemented by traditional survey techniques to maximise data quality.
How do we collect data?
We carefully plan our survey operations in line with CAA regulations and project requirements, with an initial drone photogrammetry survey acting as the baseline datasets, that is supplemented by other methods.
Drone-based LiDAR is typically used in vegetated areas, with any areas inaccessible to the drone-based methods being captured by total stations and laser scanners. A series of ground control points and survey check points are distributed across the site and surveyed using high-accuracy RTK GNSS receivers to allow for refinement of the absolute accuracy of the final datasets.

Geo-4D conduct accurate and resolute topographical surveys using the latest technologies, to ensure quality data is acquired as rapidly and safely as possible.
Typically, surveys are conducted using a combination of drone-based photogrammetry and LiDAR techniques, supplemented by high-accuracy RTK GNSS survey, laser scanning and total station measurements, to ensure the highest quality data is obtained.
Data is processed and digitised in-house to deliver an array of data deliverables including colourised points clouds, geotiffs, CAD files and shapefiles.
What are the benefits?
Safety: Drone technology enables challenging, inaccessible terrain to be accurately mapped in high-resolution while minimising boots-on-ground activities and associated risks.
Efficiency: Drones are quick to deploy and allow for rapid data collection over large areas (up to 7km² per day), reducing project costs and schedules.
Accuracy: All of our drones use RTK or PPK positioning, with traditional survey techniques used to refine the absolute accuracy. Typically drone-based surveys have an absolute accuracy of approximately 10-40 mm (dependent on survey methodology).

Geo-4D Photogrammetry and LiDAR UAV Topography Survey