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Shallow Geotechnical Survey

Shallow Geotechnical Survey

Rapid shallow geotechnical probing and sampling to understand the shallow subsurface for intertidal cable installations.

  • Light and medium dynamic probing

  • Handheld CPT

  • Handheld corer

  • Laboratory testing


Geo-4D’s selection of shallow sampling and testing methods provide a cost-effective way to quickly characterise cable landfalls for trenching operations:

  • Determine beach bearing capacities for installation equipment and plant.

  • Determine depth to shallow bedrock.

  • Identify hard-to-trench coarse-grained sediments (gravel and cobbles).

  • Identify and sample soft clay layers, that may pose a punch-through risk to plant and equipment and may pose a risk to cable thermal dissipation (i.e. low thermal conductivity).

Geo-4D Shallow Geotechnical Survey

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